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A/N: Just a short little thing...

Date Created: August 24th, 2019


Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I didn't hold back.

If I said what I wanted to say

It can be entertaining to think of the possibilities, these little stories I create in my head.

I write them down, in my journal, I keep them safe from harm. The book is hidden under my bed, nobody will ever know

Except the person reading this text, but that's not the person I'd expect to tell. Would you tell?

No, that would ruin everything

My life

Your life


But, there could still be a chance.

Sometimes I write in my book for hours on end, sometimes just for mere minutes.

I write about these journies, these unrealistic journeys, these things that I can only dream about happening.

I dream of dates, of merry go rounds, of walks on the beach

I dream of little "I love yous", I dream of soft cuddles under the bedsheets,

I dream of his shining emerald eyes, I dream of the flowers we exchange,

I dream of the bond we share, making its way across time and space...

But that will never happen, those things I will never see...

Because, him and me, we'll always be friends.

Just friends.

And I don't think any story or dream could change that

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