This isn't a real chapter, but you really should read it anyway because why not.

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What the heck is this?!

Why do I have that many reads?

Why do I have that many votes?

How did I write that many chapters without just straight-up forgetting about the story?

I'm soooooo confused...

And the cover is still some random thing I made when I was eleven or twelve...

Lots of people do things to celebrate these kinds of things, but I have no idea what I could possibly do. No kind of "celebratory, super awesomesauce" story could possibly be worthy.  

I have three things I could do for a celebration:

1. I could make a Gacha video and post it on Youtube (but have it unlisted so it's just for u guys) and I can link it on here. And I could try and write a really decent story that would still be good if I put it into Gacha! Like some sort of thingy where they discover that they have superpowers or whatever? Idk

2. I could make an actual posting schedule? Idk how that would work...

or 3. I could try making a sequel to one of my really old stories to see how my writing has changed?


Which ones do you like the most? 

Also, I might end up going on a bit of a hiatus, because school is about to start back up. I think it's either tomorrow or the next day, so don't be surprised if I'm a lil inactive <3

Byeeeee <3

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