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My head hung over my sketchbook as I drew a beautiful picture of my love. Each line was drawn with care, and I always blew fiercely on any part I drew with a gel pen.

My drawing was the most wonderful drawing of all drawings. It took lots of planning and preparation, as I had to look up references online in order to get just the right poses.

My smile widened when I looked at the date. February 14th, Valentines Day. The perfect day to pull a stunt like this. Sure, he could think it's a troll or something of that nature, but I have a feeling he would think that no matter what day I do it.

I skipped over to the kitchen, where I was met with Darryl making himself a sandwich. I stood patiently as he cut the food item into a shape. What could this be?

It turned out to be shaped like a heart. And the sandwich didn't have a single scrape of crust, just how I always liked it. He topped it all of with a rose. Wonder who the lucky lady was?

Well, whatever, I couldn't think about that now! I had to get all hyped up to give him the gift of a century.

"Darryl," I yelled, surprising him greatly "look at my amazing picture of amazingness!"

"Oh my gosh Zak," the taller man took a breath before intensely looking at my drawing "why did you even draw this, it's a picture of us-"

"making out, yeah I know what it is." I interrupted him quickly "I wanna do something like this in the future, so could you be my valentine?" I shivered a bit, fearing what his answer would probably end up being.

"I was about to ask that same thing," Darryl told me, a bit angry he couldn't confess first "this is for you" he held the sandwich out to me, and I grabbed it faster than a speeding tiger.

"They do say the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach," I mumbled after completly obliterating the sandwich "a perfect plan, made by a perfect boy." Before I knew what was happening, I was pulled into one of the greatest kisses of my time. 

That was a 14/10 Valentine's day for sure!


Author's Note: 

Apologies for the weird title, was just feelin a little funky today. Or tonight. My clock sure is messed up!

Remember to always look both ways before crossing the street! Byeeeee

Also, I barely edited or preread this at all. So, if you find a bit more throw up than usual that's probably the reason!

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