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A/N: This is @numptymuffin's suggestion (shown in pic above) 

Thank you so much for the suggestion <3 

I ended up expanding it like, a ton. I don't even know how or why I wrote this. It's far longer than anything I have managed to write recently and my fingers hurt so much. (but it's worth it)

I hope you like it <333333333333333


This is the most exciting day of my life! Tomorrow is going to be the day I move in with my best friend/crush, Badboyhalo!

I have eight million worries at the back of my mind, but I've worried enough for the past few days. Right now I just want to focus on all the good things that will come out of this. After all, it's too late to back out now!

This morning I got onto my computer first thing in the morning, with a fresh cup of orange juice by my side. And as always, I got the final serving that was in the container. Take that LSBEF! The acronym means Little Sister Best Enimie Forever. We've got along better for the last three years, but we still keep our little hateful nicknames! 

I got onto my computer and smiled when I saw that Bad was online. He was in a room with A6D. Paranoia filled comments filled my brain. What if Bad's talking about how much he regrets letting me move in with him? Maybe they're plotting a murder?!

I leap into the room and mute my mic, listening with open ears. I smile as I think about some of the better possibilities. Before I know it, I hear Bad's beautiful voice.

"He's just so sweet and amazing, and unique-" A6D cuts him off.

"Yeah yeah yeah," A6D groans "I don't have time to sit through every positive adjective in the dictionary!" Bad sighs.

"I just- he deserves something better than a batch of cookies or a stuffed animal," he explains "he deserves the perfect gift." There's a moment of silence as they both think of possible ideas for this mystery person. 

"I got an idea," A6D gasps "How about a jar of edible cookie dough with a stuffed animal hugging it!" He had managed to somehow combine the two ideas Bad listed, and make them even more incredible. 

"That's an amazing idea," there's a short pause as Bad clicks a few buttons on his keyboard "and I have the perfect recipe too!" From a mix of fatigue and just plain dumbness, I unmute my mic and add my own suggestion to the mix. 

"You could even add some of those heart-shaped marshmallows they have at Kroger," I shouted happily with a wide smile on my face "or put cute stickers on the jar!" There are so many possibilities for this gift idea. My veins fill with excitement as I ramble on for about fifteen minutes about all my ideas. 

A few minutes into my rambling, I find myself successfully holding back little bursts of sadness. I had always known Darryl probably liked someone else, there's no use getting all emotional right now!

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