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A/N: This is an au where Zak and Darryl have been secretly dating for months. Not gonna say anything else because spoilers!


Zak's POV


Darryl and I have been secretly dating for three months now, but for some reason out of the blue both of our parents have asked for all of us to meet up. My mom told me that they had to tell us something really important.

Also, I was so shocked when I heard that Darryl's mom wasn't around. My dad isn't around either, and it's so awesome to have someone around that I can relate to like this!

"Do you think they know?" I bit my lip nervously as I talked to Darryl on TeamSpeak "We have been calling each other a lot recently."

"I don't think so," he mumbled, "my dad wouldn't arrange a meet-up for something that small."

"Small?" I crossed my arms, is he not taking our relationship seriously?!

"My dad is just really antisocial," he reassured me "it's a miracle that he came to my sister's wedding!" Then I got an idea.

"Do you think we should tell them," I asked excitedly "because to me this seems like the perfect kind of set up, and if they already know we might as well beat them to it!"

"Yeah," I could hear the nervousness in my boyfriend's tone "I guess this might be our only chance."


The Meet-up (sorry if u hate time-skips)


We were all currently at a fancy restaurant. I was sitting in a seat next to Darryl and our parents were across from us. And for some reason, I think they were... holding hands?

"What would you like to order?" the waitress walked over, swishing her hips from side to side "If you get your desserts first everything is thirty percent off." Me and Darryl shared a few glances and we knew what we wanted to get.

"Me and Darryl here would like the Chocolate Heart please!" I giggled. I saw in the picture that it was a chocolate lava cake in the shape of a big heart. It also had rose petals around it, and it was made for lovers to share with one another. Darryl and I smiled at each other as our parents chose to share the Strawberry Deluxe. 

When I looked at the picture of it I was a bit weirded out though, this dessert was also love themed. It was a few scoops of strawberry icing with chocolate syrup and love heart sprinkles. I looked over at Darryl but it seemed like he didn't notice.

Before we knew it we had our tasty desserts and we were all eating them furiously. When we were all nearly halfway through our eating journeys, I heard my mother's voice.

"We have something important to tell you." my mother informed us, gaining the attention of all at the table. I grinned widely.

"We have something important to tell you too," I yelled, holding Darryl's hand tightly as I screamed on the inside. We were both so excited, even though this was pretty terrifying! "but you can go first." Darryl's dad took a few deep breaths before telling us what the announcement was.

"We have been together for about a month now," he confessed, earning shocked looks from both me and Darryl "and we have decided to get married!" They both looked so happy together.

"What did you want to tell us?" my face warped into a grimace and I could feel Darryl's hold on my hand tighten slightly. I could tell that he was just as distressed as me, if not more. Before I could tell them, Darryl decided to tell them the news.

"Zak and I have been dating secretly for three months," our parent's eyes widened "we just wanted to tell you while we still could..." I wrapped my arm around Darryl, trying to comfort him as he processed all this new information.

"I'm glad you told us though," I laughed nervously, wiping any tears that came to my eyes "just imagine us trying to get married in a few years, only to learn that we're actually brothers!"

The rest of the dinner was silent like a funeral home and at the end, Darryl dragged me out of their as fast as we could go. When we reached the care we both broke down.

What would we do now?


Author's Note

This is probably not gonna get a sequel

So, if you were looking forward to a sequel, I'm sorry about that.

But this also means u can guess the ending, and you will never be proven wrong! Which can be pretty cool sometimes...


Also sorry that this chappy is so terrible <3

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