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Date Written: September 16th, 2019

Author's Note

This is the sequel to -worriedmuffins- 

Here's the whole series list in order from first to last! Just in case you wanna read the whole thing in order. (the words are just spaced out bc I don't want Grammarly to get too angry at me)

1. muffin addicts

2. sick muffins

3. worried muffins

4. You're already at it silly!

Trigger warnings are the same as other chapters! I'm way too sick and tired to rewrite them, so sorryyyyy


Amanda's POV (Zak's fourteen-year-old sister in case you've forgotten)


So, I've just finished writing down the whole plan in my favorite spiral notebook. It all starts with some good ol kidnapping. 

I know it's a crime and all, but this is my brother! I'd break any law to protect him. 

Since A6d was coming down from France to visit him anyway, my job would be to let him into the house. And we'd also get sure that Zak doesn't know he's coming on that day. 

Afterward, we would sneak into his bedroom-


Third Person


The two worried muffins snuck inside the nineteen-year old's bedroom as quietly as they could. A6d picked him up carefully as the young child guided the french man to the exit. They walked downstairs and went outside. Amanda shivered as the cold air touched her soft skin. It was the dead of night, and barely anyone was outside.

"So, Bad's town is just a few hours away, you wanna get any snacks?" A6d whispered, with a small smile on his face. Amanda got an offended look on her face.

"Really?!" she whispered harshly "You really want to get snacks while my brother is dying- okay maybe one stop." The children both giggled as they buckled their seatbelts and set off on their journey.

It would be risky and dangerous, and both parties involved were pretty sure that they would be killed after the deed was done.

But if A6d's best friends and Amanda's sibling got taken out by SAD, they don't know if they'd forgive themselves. 


A6d's POV


Turns out Darryl lived in an apartment building right next to a 7/11. And even though Amanda said there was only going to be one snack break, I could easily change her mind. After all, she is a child. She likes her snacks.

As we drove into the parking lot I began to text Bad. We weren't going to be charged with breaking and entering. Especially since I doubt he would recognize Zak's little sister, even if she has interrupted his live streams a few times to steal his chips. 

A6d: I'm at your house

Bad: This isn't funny A6d

A6d: I can prove it, just open up ur door in a minute or two and I'll be there.

Bad: no >:(

A6d: with snacks

Bad: still no

A6d: I bought some muffins tooooo

Bad: Fineeee

We walked up to the front door with the snacks, leaving Zak behind in the car. This isn't child abandonment though, we put a few blankets over him and we were only planning to be gone for a few seconds.

"So you really are here-" Amanda interrupted Bad by tugging on his arm "Where did you get this kid, though?"

"You have to come with us," Amanda squealed, using her severely high voice to her advantage "my brother is dying because of youuuu" 

"She's right, you have to come."

"Okay okay, just let me get out of my pjs first-" The fourteen-year-old growled.

"MY BROTHER'S LIFE IS ON THE LINE!" she screeched, almost shattering the surrounding windows, as well as earning some complaints from the neighbors.

Before Bad knew it we had brought him to the car and set him next to Zak.


Darryl's POV


To be honest, I only agreed to follow them because A6d was there. And I was way too tired to listen to that kid's pleading anymore. Like seriously, she has the voice of death itself!

But I wasn't expecting it when I entered the car and saw Skeppy laying there.

This was going to be a long night...


Author's Note 

I wrote this while rlly sick, so if it's terrible that's why

Stay safe every1 <3

Also writing Zak's sister is making me wish I was Zak's younger sibling. Like srsly, I would steal his chips all the time <3 <3 <3


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