-playful angels-

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Once there were two angels who loved to play and have fun together. One was sweet and wholesome, his name was Darryl. The other, while still a sweetheart, was a bit rougher around the edges, his name was Zak. Each day the two little angels talked to each other and had fun, but there was one thing nobody else knew.

Darryl felt like Zak was the most precious thing in the world, and every time he would think of the other angel his stomach would feel tingly and weird. Darryl truly adored Zak.

Each morning Zak would lay in his bed thinking of Darryl. Zak thought Darryl was the most precious thing in the world, and he just couldn't help but fall in love with his best friend. Zak truly adored Darryl.

But even though they hid their feelings, everyone could tell that even if the feelings were not romantic: Darryl truly adored Zak, and Zak truly adored Darryl.

Author's Note: I want to try to continue this starting with a few shorter stories. I've started getting back into watching Skeppy's videos and I just think their friendship is so adorable. Like, ship or no ship, you gotta admit that those two are just the cutest pair.  Btw in this story, they aren't really angels they just see each other as angels.

I haven't really gotten into the groove of writing yet so some of these first ones might be a bit bad or short! Also, I can't believe I started this thing so long ago. I think I might have started this when I was 14 and now I'm 16! That's super cool, and I like to think I've grown at least a little bit. (and regressed in other ways because quarantine has messed with my brain >.<)

Hope you're all having great days! Get sure to stay hydrated and wash your hands :)

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