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Mini A/N: Imma try and put this in Darryl's perspective for the first time in forever, so be prepared for that. Also, in this AU he hasn't had a face reveal other than his tooth video.


I'm just like your average person. I wake up at sunrise every morning, I get dressed in my usual clothes, and I eat my nutritious breakfast while checking my cell phone.

There's just one thing though, one thing that always drags me down. I have this weird quirk that I have managed to keep secret for a really long while now. I have paid all my past roommates to make sure they stay quiet about it, even when they reassure me that they wouldn't ever tell.

But, Skeppy is different than the rest of them. I care about him too much to let him know. He shouldn't have to worry about me, like I'm worth worrying about or something! I'm not prepared for his questions. But at the same time, I'm not prepared to take that blanket off of my mirror or be seen without drugs in muy system.

You see, the problem is that I can't look at my reflection.

It's not that I think I'm ugly or anything, I just look weird.

I have to take medicine to hang around people I know. I can handle being without it on grocery runs and stuff, but if it's someone I know everything just gets worse.

I can't be seen. They can't see this... weirdness

But, Skeppy is moving in soon. Maybe I can just do what my family always told me to, maybe I can just get over it.


Why can't I just get over it?!


Author's Note


I don't have anything important to say.

Wait, I just remembered!

If ur a hardcore Skephalo shipper, just remember not to weird out Skeppy and Bad too much! If things are taken too far I have a feeling these would be a few of the effects:

1. The Skephalo ship would have less of a chance of becoming real 

2. The other Skephalo shippers would feel bad 

3. The Skephalo haters would basically be given ammo (which would cause number 2 to happen)

And plus, something bad like this happening would affect everyone! Not everyone on the planet, but you get the idea.

I know not all shippers are like this! I just wanna spread awareness so nothing bad happens. 

Now I feel like I gotta say something super happy and awesome just in case I just brought back bad memories for some people, so imma do that!

Did you know they have glitter crayons? And metallic ones? I think some of them are a bit difficult to draw with but I've really been having fun with some of them!

Also, croissants


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