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I'm writing a very important letter. My fingers hit my keyboard rapidly, stopping suddenly every few minutes to correct a mistake or just to look over the last few paragraphs and sentences. I've been working on this same piece of writing for months, and have been thinking of writing it for nearly years. Every sentence I write never comes out as perfect as I want it to, and that keeps causing me to start all over again. Every day looking at that blank page on my computer screen. All of those late nights staring at that blue light, wondering what words would be wonderful enough for him.

He deserves the best, after all. 

I groan in pain as a headache begins to form. I take another sip of my almost empty drink and look over what I've written.

Not good enough.

Nothing will ever be good enough! But I can't just accept this fact, I can't give him a letter that's not perfect.

Tears drip onto my keyboard. As I wipe them off with a nearby washcloth, a message pops up on my computer screen. I start panicking when I see what this message reads.

Zak is calling me.

I try and get my bearings but nothing can prepare me for what's coming. It's so hard for me to lie to him like this, that's not what he deserves.

But at the same time, I can't burden him with my feelings. It's not like he would understand in the slightest what I'm going through. 


I wipe away my tears and take a few deep breaths as I get ready to call him. I put a thin invisible wall between me and these horrible emotions, hoping that they'll be quick to dissolve when I call Darryl. I hear my computer buzz as I patiently wait for him to answer the call. 

Breath after breath, I try and hold in all these words I'm dying to say. All these emotions dying to break free from their bonds.

But I can't break free, I can't tell him how bad I feel! And even if I told him, it's not like he would understand the pain I'm going through anyway.


The call begins and after just a minute the walls are broken down.

Because it's hard to appear happy when you're going through all this pain.

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