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Author's Note: In this story, they're not in a relationship, but they still live together.







Darryl fell off his bed, shocked from Zak's screams.

"DARRYL!" After a few seconds of hesitation, Darryl ran swiftly to the living room, where Zak was calling him from. When he reached him he leaned against the doorway that came into the room, exhausted from all the running.

"What happened Zak," Darryl panted "why did you call me?" The shorter boy was standing in the middle of the room with a distraught look on his face.

"I found month-old nachos under the couch!" the young boy cried dramatically "They're all moldy and gross, and I'm pretty sure that plate is done for..." He pointed to a plate which stood in front of the couch, covered in moldy cheese-covered tortilla chips.

"So that's where that plate went," the tired Darryl looked surprised for a moment but quickly got disinterested in the situation. "I'm not dealing with this right now."

"But Darri, it's moldy food!" Zak yelled, "It's attracting bugs as we speak!" Darryl looked over and saw a few bugs swarming the dish.

"Then clean it up," Darryl told him "I'm going to bed." The tall boi galloped back to his room, curling up in his hot pink blanket.

And there he would cloud surf with his dream boyfriend, Zak in the stars...

And, of course, gain back the many hours of sleep he lost watching movies with the real-life Zak at 4 am the previous night.


Author's Note: (my mouse thingy is being annoying so no bold for the rest sorry)

To all the people who almost ate something while reading this, but decided not to because of the warning: you're welcome.

Question: What would you guys/gals/nonbinary pals do if you were famous? Would you anxiously hide from the press because you hate to have your picture taken, or would you love the attention at first but then get annoyed by all the people in ur face trying to get interviews? Would you praise your favorite people/candies to get them the attention they deserve? Would you hide under a blanket for the rest of your days? Wow, this paragraph has gotten too long what am I doing with my life?

Another One: What's your favorite way to cope with anxious feelings? (I'll delete this part later cuz cringe but I need answerssssss)


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