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I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute, only blinking when I feel a strong need to. I hear whispers in my head, and I can't help but listen.

"You're such a disgrace..."

"You're ugly!"

"You're a trainwreck..."

"Zak will never love you!"

I shivered as the cold of the bathroom hit me hard. I was shivering like crazy, but it was so difficult to get out.  I stood there in front of my mirror and in front of my sink, tears racing each other down my pale face. I haven't really eaten anything other than ice cream in the past few days, but I guess I deserve it for being this terrible.

I opened up the top drawer on my sink and the first two things I saw were a bottle of pills and a sharp blade. I picked up the blade and rested it against my wrist. It seems as if I don't have enough willpower to press down. My eyes gaze into the floor.

I can't even harm myself right.

I stumble into my room and spot my phone vibrating on my bed. I pick it up and notice that Zak has been calling me. I wipe the tears out of my eyes and try to sound normal when I pick up the phone.

"Hey," he asks in his usual way "my sister's going on a trip to Florida, and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up?"

"Sure!" I exclaimed, a wide grin on my face. For the next few minutes we worked out the location and the time, and I tried to sound as normal as I possibly could for those minutes. Once everything was set up a brand new wave of negative emotion hit me head-on.

"Darryl?!" I dropped my phone, too scared to speak. I was hyperventilating now, wondering what I could possibly do. I quickly picked up my phone, my eyes getting blurry from tears and pressed the exit call button on my phone. Or, I pressed the space where I thought it was.

I collapsed on my bed next to my phone, hiding under my blankets. My other roommate was out at a party tonight, so I didn't have to worry about him hearing my cries. But as I was crying I didn't notice that my phone was still on the call. 

"Darryl," Zak shouted, worry in his voice "are you okay?!" Before he could say anything more I pressed the actual exit call button and cried myself to sleep. I had one last lingering thought before I drifted off.

"You don't deserve him at all."

And I couldn't have believed it more.


Author's Note

Sorry for all the angst lately! This one is definitely gonna see a sequel either today or tomorrow! I wanted to add more now but my hand is really starting to hurt.

I partly wrote this because I've noticed that there are not many suicidal/self hate fics out there where Darryl is the one having the thoughts! It's also partly based (I use the word partly way too much) on some thoughts I had when I was younger. 

Remember to eat your vegetables, and to treat others with respect! 


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