
201 14 0

Created September 15th, 2019

A/N: This is in Darryl's POV btw!

Second A/N (written on the 20th) : This is just a short tiny thing I made a while ago <3


Soft carpet on my feet,

Soft sweatpants and soft sweater keeping me warm.

Soft dogs playing with soft toys together in the kitchen

A soft boy waiting for me to come home...

Me and him, we play games all night. And we kiss, and hug, and drink cute little juice pouches. We do this every Sunday after I come home from work because I often have a free day on Monday.

And at the end of the night, we lay next to the TV, staring into each other's eyes. Sometimes taking small glances over at the coffee table to look at whatever arts and crafts project we chose to make that night. 

Tonight is the night where nobody speaks.

Tonight is one of the nights I will treasure until the end of time 


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