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Getting up each day is a struggle. And when I wake up the first thing I do is go on my phone. It's partially a good thing because I get to text Bad and stuff, but it's also not a good thing, because of some of the other messages I get.

It's not the messages I get from haters, I can deal with those. None of them actually know me in real life, and half of them are probably just doing it to see if they can get a reaction. But, some people know me and they use that to their advantage when typing down their insults. The only good part about it is that they don't do it publicly!

You see, I live in a small town. Everybody knows everybody and all that stuff. But for me, this fact has never been a good thing. Everybody in this town hates me. They have ever since I was born, and it all started because of one thing.

My family and town are pretty traditional, and the fathers of the families are supposed to be seen as the leaders of the family. The people who lift it up, and keep everything going well.

But my family isn't like that, because my father chose to leave. And the town chose to blame us instead of him because of how his reputation was at the time.

I go turn on my phone and see the usual toxic messages I get from these townspeople, but one of them stands out to me. It was from my stepsister, the one nobody knows I have. We never got along because of the relationship our parents had, but she was never rude to me. She always just ignored me. Until now.

Stepsister: Ugh! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!

Skeppy: What?

Stepsister: Why didn't you just die along with her

I roll my eyes, knowing she's just trying to get to me. She's probably just doing this to impress one of her friends or something, it seems like something she would end up doing.

Skeppy: Who?

Stepsister: You haven't heard?!

Stepsister: Well, I guess that isn't much of a surprise 

Stepsister: You do always have your head stuck in that game of yours

Skeppy: Who???

I get increasingly more anxious every minute my stepsister texts me. If this was a joke, wouldn't she of ended it a bit earlier?

Stepsister: Your mother, of course

Stepsister: She died earlier this morning

My blood ran cold, this meant me and my other sister would have to move in with her and my father. Well, my other sister's probably safe, she was planning to move out anyway. I tap out of the conversation quickly, to avoid any more of her toxic words.

I check my notifications and see a few texts from Bad, telling me to get onto Teamspeak. I tap into the conversation and before long I see another message appear.

Bbh: You read my messages!

Bbh: Get onto ts!!!!

I can't help but have a small smile on my face when I hear his voice for the first time today. It's like my warm guiding light in this dark cold town I reside in. 

"What are you calling me about?" I ask him in the happiest sounding voice I can muster. But, that isn't enough. He sees right through me.

"I was calling about the room," he tells me "but are you okay?" I feel tears dripping down my face, but I wipe them away quickly.

"What room?" 

"The spare room I have," he replied "would you like to move into it?" I mute my mic quickly, as I cannot hold back my squeak of excitement.  Something worrying then comes to my mind.

What if this was a prank, I couldn't risk that!

"Are you actually serious?" I squeak loudly, munching on some fruit roll-ups I had grabbed from my secret stash of candy. When he says he is I almost fall out of my chair from the shock. Who would want to live with me?

"So, you want to accept the offer?" I take a deep breath and tell him my answer, using all of my strength in order to not seem too eager.

"Sure, I'll see you in two weeks."


Authors Note:

Heres just a little thing I threw up. Sorry I did so much dialogue, even though I said I wouldn't do a whole lot. I might do a part two for this someday if I feel the need.

I was inspired by another story that also features a town filled with rude ppl that the main character moves away from. It's a Steven Universe fanfic by @shipperwolfieQ 

Also, is anybody else craving cookies right now? With tons of delicious melty chocolately chips taking up the majority of the space, mmmmmmm!

Byeyeyeyeye, and sorry for the lack of editing and stuff. I just noticed all the tense changes, I'll remove them later when I have more time!

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