
224 21 3

Date Created: August 25th, 2019


Him and I, we move around throughout space and time.

Specs of dust, breathing the same air. Crossing through the same solar systems.

Together forever, we float among the stars, the planets, the abandoned spaceships, all of it. It's all just so beautiful. But at the same time so scary...

But it's all okay because we're together.


And as long as we are together, we will stay strong, we will stay stable. We will not fall apart.

Because we are two specs of dust, that's what we are, I'm just being realistic here!

But, when we talk to each other, when I feel his embrace around me it's like seeing a whole new reality.

A reality where our choices matter

A reality where we matter

A reality where we aren't just specs of dust floating around in space, we are so much more than that.

And I want to treasure that feeling for as long as I possibly can

Because if one of us disintegrates,

I don't know what will happen


Author's Note (written September 2nd)

I hope you enjoyed this little thing!

And I have so many drafts right now if I scroll to the bottom of my chapters list it's just filled with drafts, drafts, drafts!

I was also thinking I'd make my uploading schedule kind of like this:

Monday --- I post

Tuesday - Friday --- nothing

Saturday or Sunday --- I post

But I'm a pretty inconsistent person, so nothings a guarantee! <3

Maybe I'll make reminders on my phone or something to help idk 

I'm also sick right now btw. Which is pretty annoying, why would I get sick on labor day of all days? :(

I hope you all have amazing days! Byeeeee <3

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