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Disclaimer: Even though I don't use much detail, this story mentions periods and the use of pads! Zak is a transgender boy in this story. If you are sensitive to either one of those things you should skip this chapter! 

It was nine in the morning on a Monday when Darryl saw his new roommate with a rather disgusted look on his face. His face was crusty from sleep, and his eyes stared at the ceiling.

"You okay, Skeppy?" Darryl asked, shocking Zak out of his stare off. 

"I'm fine," Zak mumbled, angry at a person or thing which was unknown to Darryl at this very moment "I just have to go to Wallgreens to get something."  The taller male just stood in shocked silence as the usually cheerful boy stomped away from him. 

"Wonder what got him in a funk?" Darryl soon got the idea to make some breakfast for himself and Zak to enjoy. He ended up making some delicious bacon and eggs. As he put the yummy angels on some plates he heard the door open.

"Hey Zak, I made some food!" he greeted his roommate with a warm smile 

"Thank you so much," Zak whispered as he ran over to the plates. He tried on his way out of the room but was interrupted by the sound of something falling out of his bag. The package fell a bit far away from him, so Darryl chose to walk over and hand it to him. 

"sanitary pads, why do you have these?" Darryl paused as he read the information on the small purple cube. Zak screamed in fright and swiftly grabbed the bags and rushed back to the confines of his bedroom.

Zak stood behind his door, as he threw various items into his trash can. (not describing this part, you all know what's going on) But right as he was placing down his new pad his roommate walked in.


Once Darryl had run out of the room Zak collapsed to the floor, a bright red blush covering his face. He saw everything.

After a few hours of laying around Zak finally came out of his room. The short boy saw Darryl on the couch looking at his tweets. Their eyes made contact.



"You can go first," Darryl mumbled nervously 

"I understand if you want to kick me out," Zak told his roommate "just please don't tell anyone about this?" the taller boy gasped

"Why would I kick you out?" Darryl wondered "You didn't do anything wrong, I'm the one who walked in on you." 

"be-because I-" the emotional pressure of the day piled up on the shorter boy, and he began crying. The two roommates were soon hugging and before Zak knew it he was being laid on the couch.

"How about we watch a little movie, okay?" Darryl whispered as he gathered up supplies such as ice water and both of the TV's remotes. He noticed the young boy looking at him in disbelief as he came back to sit down next to him. "And don't worry, you're one of the best guys I know."

The two boys were under a large blanket as they watched Tinker Belle together in the bright Summer's day. Darryl always paused the movie when Zak had to get up and they both thanked each other profusely for every small and big thing they did for each other.

Even though Zak was in pain during most of it, he couldn't help but rank it as one of his top days.


Author's Note:

Sorry if this was cringey or offensive to you in any way. Just wanted to jot this down. 

I hope I don't regret posting this. I am so glad my family doesn't know the name of this account. 

I don't even know why I wrote this, now I feel queasy...

Bye people! Stay safe on icy roads! (even though it's Summer)

Just remember people, this quote I just decided to slam in for you guys!

"No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid." - Lupita Nyong'o 

Have lovely days, and sorry again for the cringeyness (and I guess the subject matter as well) 


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