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A/N: This chapter has a few small references towards age regression! In this story, it's being used to cope with worries. This chapter is completely SFW! And there also isn't any mention of diapers or pacifiers, if that bothers you. 


"It's gonna be okay," he told me softly "it's all gonna be just fine, little one." He held my hand and walked me over to the couch. He took the nearest blanket and carefully laid it on top of me.

Breaths in, and breaths out

He brought me some chocolate milk in my favorite cup and turned on one of my favorite cartoons. 

Breaths in, and breaths out

He stroked my hair with one of his hands while looking at me with his caring gaze. 

Breaths in, and breaths out

He always helped me when I felt overwhelmed with life, he always seemed to make my days brighter when they were dark.

Breaths in, and breaths out

Tears dripped down my face and onto my warm clothes, I latched onto him for support as I remembered what he told me to do.

Breaths in, and breaths out

Breaths in, and breaths out

Breaths in, and breaths out...


I woke up, the inside of my hoodie caked with sweat. I was laying on my couch, the same place where the dream had occurred. And I had fallen asleep to the exact same cartoon. I had dropped my glass of water the night before, and some of the shards still laid on the floor. 

Breaths in, and breaths out

Better go clean that up soon, don't want a dog stepping in it...

Breaths in, and breaths out

I feel myself shivering on the couch, as cold sweat covers me head to toe. It seemed in that dream, I was really anxious or something, and Darryl was helping me.

Breaths in, and breaths out

I was anxious about... about...

No no no no... I can't think about that now...

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