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TW: Anxiety, made at 2am

A/N: just a short little drabble. Could be from any of the boys' POV. This is based on my own experiences with anxiety, (specifically the times it's kept me up at night for no discernable reason) but it probably doesn't apply to every1 and that's oki /g


The overhead light was glaring at him, making his eyes sting. He was tense everywhere as he laid down in his bed, struggling to fall asleep. 

He looked up, down, left, right, and back up again.

He felt tears well up in his eyes as he lifted the covers up more, shivering underneath the blankets.

He looked up, left, right, and back up again.

Other than the quiet snores of his roommate in the other room, the house was almost completely silent. His breathing quickened as he drank a sip of water from the table next to him. He placed the glass back quickly, pulling his blanket back up towards him.

He looked up, left, right, and back up again

He choked back a sob as he lied underneath his blankets. Everything was just too much.

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