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The sun is shining so so bright today, it's just getting into my eyes any time it can. The seats of the car burn my arms a little as my right arm rests on my seat. My other arm is on the armrest, holding my head up as my boyfriend operates the slow-moving vehicle. Sometimes we move slow, while sometimes we move fast! But right now we're going pretty slow because we're near lots of little homes.

Homes, there are so many little homes in the distance. Cute homes, big homes, homes that aren't even real homes yet. So many stories this neighborhood tells!

Right now I live with my parents and my sister, but I wouldn't really call it my real home.

I smile as I look into my boyfriend's beautiful eyes. The little orbs almost dance in the sunlight as the older man focuses on the road in front of him. There are so many trees around us, so many beautiful things all telling me their own little stories in their own little languages. The wind whips through my hair as we bustle through the low hanging branches.

"You okay Zak?" my partner, Darryl asks me, concerned for my wellbeing "You've been quiet for quite a while now." I smile brightly as I answer his question.

"I'm okay, just thinkin!" It seems now that he is my home and this is our story. As we approach our destination I start shivering in both excitement and nervousness. This is the first time I have ever done this, and the first time I ever will. We both get out of our car as I realize something important.

Darryl isn't my boyfriend anymore, he's my fiance.


Just came up with this on the fly, hope u enjoy it! 

I just went over this with Grammarly and reread it a few times, so I didn't really have a real editor or anything. Because of that, I encourage you to pick out any mistakes you may find! No offense will be taken, so don't worry.

Bye lovelies!

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