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I tiptoed into his room, quieter than the quietest mouse. He laid on his bed, covered in sweat with his blanket on the floor. He was shivering from the cold air and he was curled up in a small ball on the bed.

I was half asleep since it was two am and I had just gotten done with editing, paying the bills, and all sorts of other chores I had to do.

And why did I have to do so much work?

It's just because Darryl has been a little sick lately, with all the pollen and stuff flying around, so I wanted to give him a little break. It's what he deserves for being such a great person all the time.

I carefully placed the blanket back on top of him, being careful not to do anything that would wake him. But afterward, I just got the urge to do something crazy.

And I did it. I crawled into bed with him.

And for the rest of the night, we hugged, soaking in our combined warmth. And I watched as a small smile made it's way onto the boy's face as we cuddled under the moonlight.


I woke up to a poke on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes I noticed that we were tangled together like some kind of spiderweb.

All memories from last night came back to me. We quickly came apart, our faces red. And In each of our minds, we asked ourselves these same questions.



Why not?


Author's Note

Date created: August 23rd, 2019

This was made after my first day of school, so it might be a bit terrible. 

Author's Note (but written the next day)

I hope you liked this small story. Do u like the small stories, or do you like the bigger ones better?

I'm gonna be trying to post one fic every weekend! And I have a few reasons for that:

1. If I hit a slump, I might still have something to post

2. School has been giving me major anxiety (and it doesn't help that I'm going from a tiny school to a huge one) so I might not be in the mood to write as often

And that's all.

I hope you all stay safe out there <3

And PS: I'm still working on that Gacha video <3 (but it will take a while)

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