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Today when I woke up Darryl was mysteriously absent. I searched all over the house, but I couldn't find one hair of him. 

While I was searching in the kitchen I grabbed an apple and ate it bit by bit as I searched the other areas of our home. Afterward, I sat down on the beanbag in our living room and thought about where he could possibly be.

I thought he said we were going to do something today?

Then I got an amazing idea! I could get a gift for him while he's gone!

At first, I thought about making him some of his favorite carrot soup, but I figured that would be too much work. I doubt I would be able to finish it before dawn, with all the things needed to prepare it well.

I baked him some cupcakes with some cupcake mix I had bought a few days before, and once I finished mixing the yummy cupcake goo, I realized that I had gotten eggshells everywhere! I didn't know how or why, since I only used two eggs, but now I had to clean up that mess.

As I cleaned up my mess of eggshells, I noticed a ton of fog outside the windows. I hope Darryl would make it back okay...

As the cupcakes baked in the oven, I made little paper decorations (exactly how my grandma taught me) to decorate the room with. I was also beginning to get a bit hungry, so hopefully, Darryl would arrive with some food. 

Right after I took the cakes out of the oven I grabbed some ice water for me and my best friend, along with some plates and silverware to place on the table. I haven't felt this much joy since my girlfriend Kim broke up with me!

As time went on, I had finally put the icing on the cupcakes and I had everything set up perfectly. Right as I set the plate of pastries on the table, I heard my love stumble into the house.

In his hand, I saw a bag from an expensive food store. Why did he go there? I thought he usually didn't spend a lot of money on things such as food? He walked over to me and set the food on the countertop, not yet noticing all the decorations around him.

"No, wait," he was out of breath, and I noticed right then that he had more than one bag. I looked over at him with a confused glance. "What is all of this?" he looked around at all the decorations, confused as to exactly why they were there. He placed down all of his bags and I stared into his beautiful emerald eyes.

"I-I just thought I'd do something nice for you," I mumbled, looking down at the ground as I spoke "Because I had the time and-" before I could continue Darryl opened his arms and embraced me.

"Thank you," he laughed nervously as he started messing with his groceries. "I-I got some food that we could eat...?" It turned out that he had gotten my favorite kind of meat and some fresh peaches! I don't know what I'd do without him...

As we ate our meal, along with the cupcakes I had made, I could feel the tension in the room. There was something that he wasn't telling me.

"I-I need to tell you something," Darryl said quakily, "I got you this food because it's been a month since you moved in and a-all, but there's also something else." 

He took something out of one of the grocery bags, it was a bouquet of roses. I didn't understand, what's this big secret he wants to tell me? I grabbed it from his hands, being careful not to prick my hand on any thorns.

"Uh, what is this?" I felt like I was paralyzed and unable to move or say anything else.  

"I like you, Zak" he confessed, looking at me in the eyes "very very much." I couldn't believe this was happening. I can't believe he likes me too! I tried to tell myself he was wrong, but I couldn't deny the truth in his eyes.

This situation was as likely as me knowing exactly how xerography worked. 

"I love you too," I could see tears in Darryl's eyes, it seemed like he was so terrified to tell me. But, I'm so glad he did!

We cried into each other's arms as we hugged.

 If anyone was there they would have been concerned for us, they would have asked us if we were alright. If we had any problems.

But, no, we didn't have any problems. We had zero problems right about now.

I'm just so happy, so relieved, we're both feeling so many different emotions all at once!

And that isn't necessarily a problem, especially if Darryl is here with me.



Author's Note

All the bolded words make up the alphabet <3

I hope you enjoyed the story, cuz I enjoyed making it!


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