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A/N: This is @numptymuffin's suggestion. (as shown in the screenshot above)

And before you start reading the story, just prepare for the weirdness. Have a moment of silence if you have to.

And thank you so much for the suggestion <3 <3 <3


I was working a day at Kroger when I took a look at the time. A snake of excitement went through my limbs when I realized it was only twenty minutes until the end of my shift!

I couldn't wait to go home, lay on my couch, see Zak, pet the dogs, see Zak...

Wait a minute.

Hold up.

I took a quick glance at the calendar which laid on the wall of the break room. It was October the Fourteenth.

It was Zak's birthday and I forgot to buy him a gift.

And, during his birthday I always try to stay home to keep an eye on him, I wonder what crazy things he did while I was gone. It might seem like an overreaction, but he had the scars to prove it.

Like, seriously, on his fifteenth birthday he went skydiving. Alone. On his homemade helicopter.

It seems he's more of a risk-taker on his birthday. 

After my shift finally ended I drove home as fast as I could without breaking the speed limit, coming up into our driveway in under thirty minutes.

I was in for a big shock when I opened that door...


Zak's POV


I sat in front of the door in my favorite pig onesie, surrounded by all the plates and bowls in the house. I had just finished making a gigantic layered cake. Around me, there were bowls with different amounts of cake batter in them. The walls and floors also had their own splats of batter on them.

As Darryl walked into the room he stared wide-eyed at the mess surrounding us. 

"How and why did you do this?" he whispered, getting down on my level as he spoke.

"I made a cake," I yawned "and it's amazing, let's sleep." I grabbed onto Darryl and laid down with him on the carpet. It was pretty clean, so Darryl and I didn't have any problems getting comfortable.

"This is..." he mumbled, exhausted from his shift over at the Kroger. I quickly interrupted his comment with my own.

"This is awesome, so don't worry," I whispered as I played with his hair "and when we wake up there will be breakfast already here for us in the morning."

"Ok..." It wasn't long until we both had drifted off into a nice, deep, wonderful sleep.

This was one of the best birthdays I've ever had.


Author's Note

Before you say it, no, the dogs did not eat the cookie dough and die. The doggos are safe!

I just realized that this is like, my thirty-seventh part or something like that. In the beginning, I was only intending for this to have, like, nine or ten parts in it. 


Also, I'm planning to do a really messed up soulmate au. It's where everyone has an addiction. And every person has an addiction unique to them and their soulmate. And their soulmate is the only one who can possibly help them with their addiction...

Whattya think?

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