-the real amanda- (finale)

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A/N: This is the final part of the Amanda series <3 

Don't ask me what the name of the first one is, because I have long forgotten!

Let's get this show on tha road!

Also, there are some other warnings that I should add, but some of them would spoil the entire ending, sooooo! (it's not anything gross, so don't be worried about that)


Rips in the walls...

Broken glasses covering the living room floor...

Damaged and undamaged beer bottles sitting in the corner...

I'm back

I hear the door open from a few inches away, I think it's her. Her grin widens when she spots me. I recognize her instantly


Before she can even say a word, I scream. She hugs me and tries to soothe me but nothing works. I can't even hear her words as I scream and scream and scream...

Colors. Dots of color. They ran around my vision, my blurry blurry vision. I was getting oh so dizzy.


And I was down.


Darryl's POV


I sit by his hospital bed, counting his breaths as time goes by. It's the only thing I can do to distract myself from this feeling in my chest.

I can't help but wonder if this is my fault? If I just took care of him better, watched him a little more every time he took his meds...

Ugh, I don't know. But I do know that these kinds of thoughts can do some really bad things, so...

I just wish he could come back.

I wish he could say hello to me.

I wish he could say one sentence without mentioning Amanda


???'s POV


I'm free...

I never thought I would be free, I just-

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