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Date Written: September 20th, 2019

A/N: This is in Zak's POV btw! Also, sorry for the length.


Ten years ago my family was broken in half. Father left with my little sister, Amanda, and nothing was ever the same since.

I still remember that day, I was walking home from school.


As I skipped down the sidewalk to my house I couldn't help but grin when I saw my mother on the porch waiting for me. But my smile quickly dropped when I got closer.

 My parents were both there, screaming at each other. I quickly speed-walked past them, but they were too interested in their argument to care. I ran to my sister's room. She was only six years old at the time. I held her in my arms and sang to her as I began to hear sounds from downstairs, such as the sounds of glass breaking, the sound of my mother's screams, and other things children such as us should never hear.

My blood froze when I heard my father stomping upstairs. He told me to leave, but I wouldn't listen so he decided to pull my hair, which was pretty long at the time.

The next day both my father and my sister were gone.


But I don't think about it much anymore. I have much better things to do, like work on my Youtube channel, and hang out with my amazing friends! 

I was doing a Livestream with Bad when I heard some strange sounds from downstairs. I thought nothing of them, but all of a sudden I was looking at the chat and they started saying someone was behind me. I looked behind me and saw a beautiful gift, wrapped with the most adorable wrapping paper. There was also a note on top of it. Maybe my mom left this here?

I should probably wait until after the stream to look at it though, it kinda looks like something my mom would make and I wouldn't want to look at it on stream just in case it was personal.

A few minutes later I was streaming like normal, laughing with friends, when I heard a gunshot.

"Are you okay, Skeppy, was that a real gunshot?" Bad asked me, keeping his voice low in case somebody else was listening in. I just looked at the camera and nodded, tears coming to my eyes. I didn't waste another moment before running downstairs with a butter knife I had by my desk.

A horrific sight greeted me.

My mom was on the floor, with a bullet through her head. Blood was pouring all over the couch and the wooden flooring. She had a newspaper next to her flipped over to a very specific page. I looked at it and saw two familiar faces.

My father killed my sister

My father killed my sister

My father killed my sister...


Darryl's POV


After a moment of silence, Zak finally got back on the call. His hands had blood on them.

"Why do you have blood on your hands? Are you okay?" I asked him, concerned for his wellbeing. 

"Uh, who are you? D-do you know where my dad and sister are?" Zak mumbled tears in his eyes.


Author's Note (written September 24th, 2019)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

Also, I might end up going on hiatus for a small bit, but idk for sure yet. Just don't be shocked if I stop posting for a week or two.

I hope you all have amazing days! And pls stay safe <3 <3 <3

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