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A/N: Right when I read this suggestion this is what I thought of. This suggestion is from @henry_the_devil btw. <3333

Thanks so much for the suggestion! <3 <3 <3

But be prepared for weirdness...


Emily, our wedding planner watches in horror as thousands of dollars worth of valuable white cloth is absolutely wrecked.

From our suits to the white tablecloths, every piece of fabric in this room is being pummeled with different food items. Normally I would be horrified as well, but this all started with some of my cousins making some homophobic comments.

And Zak defended my honor, by throwing the entire cake at them.

Now, this is why I married Zak, not the only reason mind you, but definitely in my top five. While his impulsiveness can sometimes get on my nerves, it never fails to make me smile. Nobody in my family has ever been like that, we were always expected to do the right thing, dress the right way, be the perfect people.

But, him, he doesn't care about any dumb rules. He does what he does, and has fun doing it. That's what I admire in a person.

And I can tell you that our wedding was not the stereotypical picture-perfect wedding. And since we both don't like standing around and taking tons of pictures, we purposely put it on a day where it was like, one hundred and fifty degrees! By the end of the ceramony, everybody was sweating like crazy, and we could tell barely any of them dressed for the weather.

We rented out a cabin in the woods, and had our party and dinner and basically everything in there other than the ceremony. The cabin was really big and roomy, perfect for a wedding!

And at the end of it all, he and I were leaning on the wall next to the entrance, watching the food fight from afar. We both were covered in cake frosting and other assorted foods such as turkey and cucumbers.

"I know you probably expected this to be fancier, but-" I interrupted my new husband with a kiss.

"It was perfect," I smiled, licking some cake frosting off my lips "just like you." Zak rolled his eyes.

"You mean just like you?"  he giggled, holding onto my food covered hands.

"Of course not, you muffin!" I told him, "you're more perfect than I could ever be!" Zak took one of his hands out of mine to wipe his tears.

"You really mean it?" he asked, standing on his toes to grasp onto my shoulders. His eyes gazed into mine, and every minute felt like an eternity. Our cheeks reddened as I put my arms around him, pulling him closer. I hugged him, nearly lifting him up off the ground as I did so.

"I meant every word," I whispered softly as we exited each other's embrace. "I could never imagine deserving someone like you."

For the rest of the night, we snuggled in our hotel room, just appreciating the presence of each other. Tomorrow we would tell our fans we were together, and after that, we would go on to do truly amazing things.

Things that we couldn't possibly of imagined.

Things that we would have never accomplished without each other and the experiences we had!

Things that would live on, and inspire young children for centuries...

Things that you will never hear about because this story will not have a sequel


Author's Notes

Now we can only imagine the great things that they did... >:)

This story isn't really the stereotypical wedding, but what did you expect? A wedding completely catered towards average people, that's completely average in every way?

That would be ridiculous! 

The word count this thingy says right now is obviously not right, did not just spend twenty or so minutes writing 51 words...

School starts really soon for me, and even if this book doesn't end it's definitely gonna slow down some, so be prepared for that! 

Bye! <3

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