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A/N: This chapter is based on an idea I wrote down so long ago. It's a soulmate fic where everybody has an addiction and your soulmate is the only person with the exact same addiction, and once you come together that's the time where you can finally try and get over your addiction. Because it's almost impossible to do (at least in the fic) without your soulmate.


Zak's POV


It's a well-known fact that everybody has an addiction of some sort, at least early in life. And that fact has become so well known that information about your addiction is even put on your passport and stuff!

But, I don't want anyone to know about my addiction, it's really stupid...

When I was young, it was seen as normal, because many of the children that gained their addictions early in life as I did were addicted to things like sugar and crackers, stuff that children can actually get their hands on. But as I grew older, it became more unusual to many of the people in my school.

That's why I have to hide it because if I told anyone they would act weird, and if they acted weird that could mean the friendship is over for good! I only want to tell somebody if they have a similar addiction, maybe even the SAME addiction, that would be amazing.

My sister and mother used to tell me that two people with the same addiction were soulmates, but I never believed her. I get best friends for life, but soulmates, nah nah! I am not becoming all kissy kissy with a random stranger just because they're addicted to muffins.

Wait, I told you! Please don't leave!


Oh, you didn't leave. Sorry, I'm just so used to rejection that it's sort of ingrained in me now to expect it! 

Now, because Bad talks about muffins so much, I've been wondering, what is he actually addicted to?

Well, that's what I'm gonna find out today!


Darryl's POV



"Since you talk about muffins so much, are you actually addicted to muffins?"

I could feel my heart racing. 

"Isn't that uh, a bit p-personal?" I glanced over at the stream chat, they all were eager to know too. But I can't reveal it, I just can't risk it!

"If your fans truly love you, they won't leave just because of a silly addiction!" A6d reassured me. I could feel myself shiver in my seat, I've only really told one person about my addiction and they kicked me out!

"Well, if I tell you about mine, can you tell me about yours," I asked, hoping they would say no and we would drop this whole conversation "and promise me that you won't leave me because of my addiction?" A6d quickly said yes, but I noticed Skeppy was a bit hesitant to answer.

"Haven't I given you enough information about mine though," Skeppy whined, "I told you it's food-related, isn't that enough?" 


Zak's POV


I froze as I noticed the stream chat filling up quickly with people ordering me to spill the beans, or should I say, the muffins. I almost screamed when I got a hundred dollar donation telling me to do that exact thing.

"F-fine, I'll tell you!" I crossed my arms as I spoke, "but you're saying yours first."

"I used to be addicted to stickers," A6d boasted "but now that I've found my soulmate, I've started to lose the urge!" We both waited silently for about a minute, wondering what Bad could possibly be addicted to.

"Okay, I'm addicted to muffins," Bad confessed, "now tell me yours, Skeppy!" My blood ran cold.

"Guess..." I mumbled, wanting to procrastinate for a bit longer.  Every food from apple to zucchini was spammed in the chat, as everyone gave their own little guesses.

After a few minutes of near silence, A6d spoke.

"I know why you won't tell us," A6d speculated "you're addicted to muffins as well!" Bad scoffed at the thought while I couldn't help but tremble.

"How could we possibly have the same one?" Bad yelled at A6d "That'd just be ridiculous!"

"He's right, I am addicted to muffins," I whispered, almost hoping nobody would hear me.

I didn't mean to do the next thing I did, though. I was just so scared of being rejected.

I turned off the stream and exited the call.

I crawled into my bed and under the covers, hiding from the world for the rest of that night.


Author's Note

I don't rlly like how this came out, but it's the best I can do right now <3

Haveeee greatttt dayyyyys

I might rewrite this one day, who knows.

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