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Third-person/nobody's POV

Btw, when ppl say "no POV" it annoys me so much for some reason, like, there's a proper term for a reason, ya know? Sorry if I offended any1 tho... that was not my intention


They did the most logical thing they could've done...

No, they didn't, what kind of book ya think we're writing here???

Yeah, they did what everybody does with their problems. With their studying. With their taxes. With their family. With their friends. With their food (if they have an eating disorder)

They avoided it. Both Zak and Darryl pretended that the day had never happened. Sure, they felt a feeling of detachment every time they weren't calling or texting each other, but it isn't going to kill them!

Or is it?

For the third wheel, it's basically torture. So they're all suffering in this situation.

But, for the soulmates with the soulmate bond, could this avoidance threaten their lives?!

Let's see about that...


Zak's POV


I woke up to a sharp pain in my head and chest. I groaned in agony.

"AMANDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I squealed loud enough for Antartica to hear, bodyslamming myself against the wall, which connected to her room "I NEED ADVILLLLLLLLL!" Seconds afterward he heard his bedroom door open.

"Gosh dangit, Zak," Amanda walked over, leaning on the doorframe with her short chubby arm. "Why do you need Advil? Please tell me you're not getting another addiction." Everybody knows having a second addiction can often lead to death, so why would I even make an attempt at having one?

"Nooo," I whined, "I'm in pain, it hurts so baddddd!" I sat up as my younger sister threw me a container of pills. I didn't even bother drinking water when I threw that sucker down, I was in such pain.

"Hope ya didn't get SAD," she mumbled, sitting down on my bed to check my forehead for any signs of a fever. "because no matter what type you have, none of the pain is preventable by medication." 

"What's SAD?" I forced out, wrapping my arms around my chest as I felt a burst of pain course through. "I-is it a type of... cancer?"

"You'd be better off just looking it up," she mumbled, stumbling off down the hallway. She's probably looking for another jar of her dead butterflies. I swear... when the world runs out of addictions to give out they pick out the weirdest things!

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