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Approaching me is a frightening monster. 

A monster that would scare the toughest of people.

Walking towards me on it's two thin legs, it's small body cast a dark shadow across the flooring of the house.

I heard the floorboards creak as I watch him creep closer and closer to my hiding place on the couch.

I close my eyes, awaiting my fate. Tears dripping down my pale face.

It's the creature everybody has learned to fear. It's the-

"Hug Monstahhhhhhhh!" Before I know it he envelopes me in a warm tight hug. My face lit up like a Christmas tree as we laid together on our sofa.

"I love you Zak" I whispered in his ear as he laid on top of me, sniffing up every inch of my lavender shampoo.

"I love you too, baldy." Zak giggled as he showered me with kisses.

For nearly two hours we were laying there, not getting bored in the slightest.

It was a lovely evening.


Authors Note:

Just wanted to write sum fluff cuz I was bored. But now my fingers r sore from all da typing so I gtg.

Bai <3

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