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I have a new purpose in life. A purpose that somehow feels even more worthwhile than updating my youtube channel, helping my family with stuff, or eating ice cream at midnight with my favorite song on full blast in my headphones.

You see, there's this guy who in my glorious spectacularosus opinion is one of the best people this world has ever seen. He has a pretty good sub count, but that's one of the tiniest reasons why he's amazing. He's kind, sweet, literally, every positive adjective I can think of describes him.

For the last month or so I've been sending this guy anonymous mail. I've sent secret admirer letters, plushies, stickers, all kinds of silly stuff. But, I tried my best not to hint TOO much that it was me. If it became too obvious, the whole thing would be ruined! 


Author's Note: I'm planning to make two separate endings for this one! In the comments, put which one/two of these ideas you like the best.

A: Darryl has known it was Zak the whole time, and decides to send him a letter back. (in this scenario, they both know each other's addresses) 

B: Zak accidentally sends a letter with his address on it, and Darryl recognizes it 

C: Darryl thinks the letters are fake cuz he can't imagine a world where somebody cares about him

D: Darryl tells Zak that if he ever meets the person sending those letters, he's gonna give him/her a cake or something

Some of these can probably be mixed together in some way if I feel like it! Sorry for the shortness of this chapter, I've just been feelin a lil down lately.

Byeeeeeeee! Eat stufffffffffffffff

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