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Date Written: September 5th, 2019

A/N: Just made this super angsty thing. It's partially inspired by the SU movie and a few of my own experiences (even tho I never went through anything this horrible)

Remember to take the trigger warnings seriously! Don't read this if your not sure you can handle it. Like, for real. It's some sad stuff...


It all started when I was only six years old...

I was inside my old broken down-home. Well, back then it looked a bit better, but not by much. My father was sitting out on the front porch looking at old photos as he drank his "grown-up drinks."

Back then my mother wasn't really around much. She didn't live with us and she only came over to pay dad child support. It's not her fault though, things just turned out that way I suppose...

But one day everything changed, he was sitting on that porch like he usually was, and he started throwing all of his old bottles in a fit of rage. I hid inside the closet as I listened to his angry yells...

And then, quiet.

He was gone

He had left, and I was alone. 

And as time went by, mom learned that dad had left and stopped sending child support. While my father was who knows where my mother refused to associate with me entirely. 

And so I built my life back up brick by brick, all by myself, all alone in that broken-down house until I turned twenty-one years old.

I had just barely graduated from high school, but that wasn't because of my grades. I had to do everything I could to convince everyone that I had a family. I had to take most of my showers at the school because I couldn't afford plumbing. I had to save many of my school lunches because if I didn't I wouldn't make it through the weekend.

But now I just want to turn away from that part of my life forever and leave it all behind.


Four years later <3


"Skeppy, why did you donate that much?!" 

I was live-streaming when I heard her voice. She was knocking on the door and yelling out my name, wondering if I was still here. Of course, I was, where else would I be? 

I went silent and I could feel tears in my eyes as all the memories came flooding back.

"Hello? Badddddddd? You there?"  Skeppy called out

"S-sorry I gotta go." I stopped the stream and exited the TeamSpeak call. I made my way down the stairs and opened the door.

"Darryl, baby, are you okay?" She spoke in such a worried voice. As if she actually cared about me.

If she cared about me so much why did she leave? Is she trying to apologize...?

"Mom, I'm doing fine," I told her "I don't need any-"

"I was actually wondering if I could borrow some money?" she whispered, confessing her true intentions "I'm kind of running low right now."

"I-I don't have any money," I crossed my arms as I spoke, "I spent almost all of it on-"

"Did you spend it all on toys and candy?" she put her hand on my shoulder, rolling her eyes at me "I knew you would never grow up."

"No," I took a sharp breath "I spent all of it on the bills and a tiny bit of food! My job doesn't exactly pay much." 

"But baby-" I shut the door in her face, leaning against the back of it. Hot tears dripped down my cheeks as I listened to her heavy steps go farther and farther away.

I can't believe I thought she would apologize. I can't believe I ever thought there was even a tiny possibility.

I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket. Skeppy was texting me.

[Skeppy <3] r u ok?

[Skeppy <3] u lft pty suddnly

[Me] I'm fine

I'm not fine

[Me] my mom just had to talk to me

I guess that's technically the truth...

[Skeppy <3] u suonded rlly upet 

[Skeppy <3] but ok i guess

Now I just sit in this old house all alone. This old house filled with terrible memories. Memories of those who left me here to rot...

And as I sit here in this mess of a home, there's only one thing I think of. Something that I want more than anything.

"I want a hug," I whisper, bursting out into tears like a small child.

Because that's what I am, a child.


Author's Note (written the same day as the story)

The sequel won't be as sad as this one! 

Even though this story was rlly sad, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Stay safe out there <3

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