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It was a nice calm night, as Darryl got ready to go to bed. He set his alarm for the morning and he even put all his clothes away.

Tomorrow he would go visit his best friend, Zak, but for now, he just wanted to have a nice rest. Because, you see, the last few weeks had been really hectic for him. First, he choked on a muffin, dropping the rest of the muffin in the process (it was the last one and he dropped it directly in some dog hair, so yeah, there was no saving it) and it all just got worse from there.

He was lying on his bed when he heard his dog fall down the stairs. And not just a small bump either, that dog fell all the way down the stairs just as she was about to reach the top. Darryl cringed as he heard her quickly bump against each stair.

He was about to yell out for his dog when he heard movement from his dresser. One of the drawers was opening by itself. Once it opened fully he saw something- or rather someone stuffed inside of it. A head raised up from inside the drawer, filling Darryl with terror as he heard their neck make a loud popping sound.

"That sounded really rough," Zak said, his body still curled up inside Darryl's dresser drawer "you should probably check on your dog, I don't think I hear her moving." 

Darryl gave Zak a glare that said 'we are talking about this later' before running off to check on his dog.

His dog was alright, but when Darryl got back to his bedroom he got a glimpse of Zak climbing out of his dresser.

Zak's back made loud popping sounds as he stretched, his back bending an entire ninety degrees. The younger man sighed as he finally leaped out of Darryl's dresser, only to find him puking in the next room.

Well, at least the dog was alright.

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