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A/N: As always, tell me if der r any udder twigga warnins I needs to add!


Once der was two potatoes and dey luved eachudder vewy much!

Dey sat on twees togetha, and ate ice cweam.

And evwytime one or both of dem got overwhelmed with da expectatwons of wife, dey would always comfowt eachudder!

But one day, something went wong. Der was a pwoblem dat was neawy impossible ta fix.

Dey were at a pork, and Dawwy dwopped hish sippy cup into a pile of gwoss mud. Dirt would have been fwine, but mud, no wayz!

Da potatoes were both two wazy to pick it up, so dey called der fwiend A6d to assist dem!

"Wats da pwomblem?" A6d asked after telepowting to der location with a tewaportation pad (bc in 2020 dey hav dos) Teaws dwipped down Dawwy's face as he pointed to da mud puddle, which had his sippy cup wight in da middle of it.

"Ma sippy!" A6d groaned as he picked up da sippy cup and went to wash it off in da wata fountain. Luckiwy da top of it was not stained, so he didn't need ta use any soap!

"Thwank you A6d!" Da two potatoes yelled as da potato in question telepowted away.

Evwy challenge can be conqwered if u hav a fwiend!


Authwors Note

I willz write an awthors note water!

Actual Author's Note (written a day or two later? Idk I haven't been keeping up with time very well)


This is just a lil thing I did to stick my tippy toe back into the pool of writing! I hope ya liked it <3

Also, I've been meditating a lot recently and it's super awesome sauce! Totes recommend <3


PS: Every time I look at my story in editing mode I see like, eight thousand red lines. My Grammarly definitely hates me right now! lol

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