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Previously... (-purpose-)

I have a new purpose in life. A purpose that somehow feels even more worthwhile than updating my youtube channel...

He's kind, sweet, literally, every positive adjective I can think of describes him...

For the last month or so I've been sending this guy anonymous mail. I've sent secret admirer letters, plushies, stickers, all kinds of silly stuff. But, I tried my best not to hint TOO much that it was me. If it became too obvious, the whole thing would be ruined! 

---- Back to the chapter! -----

So, today I'm sending Bad another letter, I hope he likes it! I feel like I should have a conversation with him and reference something in that conversation in the letter I send him.

After all, he's SO clueless! I should at least throw him one bone, after all he's done for me...

So, okay, I'm gonna talk to him. Getting mentally prepared, turning on all fourteen sections of my social brain! I'm ready!

I waltz into a room he's in, and hear something that I don't think I was meant to hear.

"I was thinking I'd get my secret admirer like a giant cake, or something," Bad thought out loud "he puts so much time and effort into the stuff he sends me, so I should at least acknowledge him!" I let out a big gasp.

"You're getting me a cake," I scream before I can stop myself "that's so nice, I can't believe it!"

"Ha!" A6d exclaims "So you are Bad's secret admirer!" A few minutes of silence passed in the call. My face was heating up as I tried to debunk his very true theory.

"No!" At first, I shouted but then my voice transformed into a whisper "I-I didn't say anything like that..." 

"I heard it loud and clear, Skeppy!" It was as if I could hear Bad's smile through his words "You-" 

"Oh my gosh," I had stopped the call, interrupting Bad, my crush, mid-sentence "Why am I like this?" Before I knew it I had stumbled over to my bed where I laid there, curled up in a tiny ball. My hood was over my head and at this point, I only felt two things:

Tired and embarrassed.

So, I took the easiest course of action. Sure, I was running away from my problems! But they're my problems, not yours, so you can't criticize me on my actions!

Before I could even shed one tear over it all, I was asleep. 


Author's Note

After I make the alternate ending, I'm gonna make a sequel to one of them! It'll probably be this one, but I'm not fully sure.

Havvevevvee aaaaa nicccccce dayyyyyyyy evvverybody

Also, I missed Skeppy's 10 mil stream and I've been pretty bummed out about it. I went to sleep at the right time last night, why did I sleep so late! :''''''(

Bye peoplleelellelelelelelel!

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