
198 16 2

Date Written: September 6th, 2019

A/N: Btw, parts of this r probably super OOC, soooooo

Also, I really wanna work on that Gacha vid but my phone keeps refusing to charge and all that terrible stuff. But I'm making another attempt at charging it right now, so if it works <3

And also thank you so much again for 1k votes! Over the Summer writing has become one of my favorite things again all thanks to this oneshot book <3

It rlly means a lot <3


Dearest Diary,

The first time I confessed to him, he kind of didn't take it the way I wanted him to.

---- Flashback ----

"I have something to tell you," I mumbled, while at the same time checking his channel to make sure he wasn't streaming. Bad wasn't usually the one to do things like that, but I didn't want to take any chances! "and it's kind of serious."

"What is it?" he asked, his voice taking up more of a worried tone "Are you sick?"

"I-I love you!" I squeaked, feeling my hands shake as I choked out the words "More than anything or anyone-"

"I love you too, Geppy!" he giggled, "You're my best friend, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I-I mean," I stuttered "I love you more than that!"

"Wait, are you trying to say you love me more than I love you?" 

"Yes!" I shouted, even though he didn't have it exactly right, he was on the right path. Or, that's what I thought at the time.

"I'm pretty sure that's impossible, but thanks for the compliments."

------- Flashback Ends ------

And I kinda lost control of the situation...

But now I'm determined and ready to take risks that I'm definitely going to regret later!

Because today is Valentines Day, the day of love. Basically everyone is thinking about romance today, even if it's just for a moment. So I have to take this chance to get through his thick skull!

Now let's gooooooooooooo


A few hours later


I see him in his natural habitat! I watch as he does the things he often does on his-

Hold up

This probably sounds way cooler than it actually is.

I literally just hopped onto one of his streams and saw him doing an event.

No fancy words necessary

Now let's continue on with this story.

So, I saw him doing an event and was deep in thought. Should I do something?

I mean, if I tell him I love him (even in a subtle way) while he's streaming somebody is definitely going to screech "Skephalo skephalo omg my shipppppp!" in the chat, or even worse in donations. But at the same time, this might be exactly what I need...

I'm getting really desperate at this point people.

So I began my rampage...

And yes, I am calling it a rampage.

The Most Epic Not Stupid at All Rampage of February the Fourteenth...


"Spam donuts if you believe bbh is the most precious muffin to ever exist ever." 

"Spam ice cream if you think bbh is hot. I know it doesn't make sense, just go with it."

"Cuteboyhalo is best halo, less than three."

"omg so cute!"



Third Person


And even though Skeppy made it dreadfully obvious, Bad still didn't notice. 

The End <3


Or is it?


Author's Note (Sep 17th, 2019)

The A/N at the top was written a while ago btw! My phone's working pretty decently now, and I think the gacha vid is getting a bit close to done <3

Also, I got my blood drawn from one of my fingers, so I can't rlly make this A/N much longer so byeeeeeeeeeeee

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