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Date Written: August 31st, 2019

A/N: This is an AU where Darryl is a giant and Zak is the prince of a nearby kingdom.

I've been so obsessed with AUs lately and idk why. Also, sorry if some parts of this go against ur opinions, or whatever! None of this is meant to offend <3


He holds me in his arms as he steps through the trees, being careful not to step on any animals or pretty flowers. We walk through the warm Summer air as we listen to the birds sing around us.

Unlike other giants, Darryl is not as dangerous and scary as he sometimes seems. And like me, many of the small animals living in this area have realized that fact. While other giants kill animals for fun and entertainment, he always has a much different reaction when he kills an animal.

Like, when we met he was literally crying over an animal corpse! An animal he didn't even squish on purpose. It was just because of his massive size that the animal got hurt, but Darryl still hated himself for killing the poor creature!

Recently, he has been teaching me to be a better person and I've benefited a lot from his lessons. Unlike my father and mother back in the Kingdom, Darryl has taught me that...

1: All life is important

2: You should treat others how you wish to be treated

and 3, the most important one of them all: Equality...

I shouldn't be treated like a god just because I'm in the royal family, and I've actually known that for a while. But, he saw much more than that.

He saw how the servants were treated terribly compared to the elite

He saw how woman were all paid less than men for the same exact jobs

He even saw something that I tried to deny for almost my whole life...

He noticed my family's plans to kill me, and he helped me stop them. I told them that I knew what they were doing and that I was going to become king no matter what they said or did.

Because I have a lot of people, and giants, by my side. And if things go wrong the kingdom will demand that I am given my birthright!

I have so much support from my people, and I am very thankful for that, but there is one thing nobody knows about.

And that person is a giant named Darryl. My most special someone.

He holds me close as we reach our destination. He sits near the waterfall-like we usually do, and he lets me lay in the pocket of his sweatshirt. He looks down at me with a gentle gaze filled with the purest of love, as I gaze back with what was most likely a similar expression.

He picks me up by my shirt and brings me up higher. I am placed down near the top of his shirt near his slightly chapped lips. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his bottom lip softly. We both blush as I wrap my arms around his large neck.

We have a special bond that will last throughout time, a bond that nobody will ever know-



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