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A/N: This is a sequel to -gottahideit-


"Nice wig." I giggled as I met Darryl in real life for the very first time. I was standing on his doorstep with my backpack on one of my arms and I couldn't help but admire his looks. I had the hood on my hoodie up which helped a lot with hiding my hearing aids.

As Darryl helped me unpack my stuff I wasn't that worried about stuff giving me away since most of my hearing aid stuff and things like that were in my backpack. That was my first mistake.

As I opened up one of the boxes Darryl instantly spotted a wide, thin book. My Highschool yearbook. 

"What's that?" he asked, pointing to the book. I took it out of the box and looked at it closely, not yet fully realizing what it was. 

"I-I think my parents found this at a yard sale or something," I mumbled, picking up the book and looking at it closely. It was blue and it had a worm on the front of it.

"You wanna get some Mcdonalds?"


While we were eating our food, I realized that I had forgotten to charge my hearing aids the day before. I normally had periods of the day where I didn't use my hearing aids, so I usually wouldn't charge them a whole lot unless it was one of those times. 

But today I was going a really long time using my hearing aids. And I never even checked to see how charged they were. When I made that realization I quickly excused myself and rushed to check.

10% remaining

I only have a few minutes left until I won't be able to hear a thing Darryl is saying. I walked back to the table and greeted him with a worried smile.

"Thanks for letting me move in," I told him "and getting me food." I picked up the last few fries in my bag and devoured them swiftly.

"It wasn't any trouble at all," he reassured me as I stared at his dazzling emerald eyes. 

"You-shebshaklab," I winced as my hearing aids ran out of charge just as Darryl began his sentence. I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him from talking.

"I couldn't hear you," I said apologetically "sorry." Then he said the same thing but a bit slower, and with a few extra words. "Sorry, I gotta go fix something." I quickly speed-walked out of the room before he could say anything else. I ripped open my backpack as soon as I got into my room and pulled out my charger.


Darryl's POV


After Zak leaped out of the room, I knew something was wrong. He seemed so panicked for some reason! I was pretty worried but decided I should probably give him some time alone.

After a little while, I walked over to his room to see that he had fallen asleep. 

I turned off the bright lights and tucked him in, but before I could leave I could feel his hands latch onto me.


Author's Note

It's like, four am here, so imma stop the chapter hereeeeeeeeeeee

Which thing do you think should happen when Zak wakes up:

A: Darryl tries to confess his love or something, and Zak doesn't hear it


B: Zak has a nightmare about Darryl not accepting him and then they have an adorable moment full of acceptance and waffles! (maybe)


Tell me if you have any questions or concerns!

And PS: I know next to nothing about hearing aids and how they work, soooooo

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