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A/N: Hopefully this is a semi-original AU! Darryl takes the place of Dora, Lucy is Boots, and Skeppy is Swiper. 

This is just part one since writing has been difficult for me lately. I hope you like it!


Once there was a boy named Darryl who lived in the jungle. Each week he explored around the jungle, accompanied by his dog Lucy. He'd always end up running into some sort of problem or somebody who needed help, but one of the regularly occurring problems was Skeppy.

Skeppy was a boy who lived deep in the jungle who would always steal things from people. Lucy always told him that Skeppy was a terrible person, that there was nothing redeemable in someone as mean as him. Sometimes Darryl thought she was right.

One day Darryl and Lucy were walking in the jungle, looking at their map for guidance.  Today they were heading to an abandoned tower that laid deep in the forest. Some of the animals in the forest said that it had been there for generations, but everybody was too scared to explore the old building. Except for Darryl and Lucy, of course.

As they went further into the forest they both had to sit down and drink some water from Darryl's pink backpack. Lucy panted along with Darryl as she laid in the long grass. He laid down his water bottle and laid back, taking deep breaths. After a few minutes, he heard a shuffling in the bushes. He looked up and immediately saw Skeppy holding his water bottle. Lucy snarled at the man leaping up to her paws.

"Skeppy, no swiping!" Darryl and Lucy chanted. Skeppy froze and stared at the duo for a moment before sighing.

"Aw, man!" Skeppy grumbled, dropping the water bottle before walking away into the forest. Darryl and his dog got up and kept walking towards the tower, and after a little while, they saw the top of the stone tower in the distance.

As they got closer to the tower they could see dark clouds growing overhead. The tower was covered in moss and vines, and the door was almost broken off of its hinges. 

"We're finally here, Lucy!" Darryl said, running up to the tower. There was a small broken down staircase leading to the tower's door. Lucy ran behind him, panting as she struggled to keep up with the child. The tower seemed to have a spooky vibe to it, and everything was covered in a layer of dust. Darryl walked into the tower, humming to himself as he looked around the dusty hall.

"Pssst!" They both heard a voice from outside the tower. "What are you doing?" They looked behind them and saw Skeppy in front of the door, and for some reason, he looked scared.

"No swiping, Skeppy!" Darryl groaned, crossing his arms in frustration. Every time something was going even remotely well, Skeppy would have to come and mess with them.

"I'm not here for that," Skeppy told the explorers, rolling his eyes "I'm just wondering why you're going in this dangerous tower!" Lucy sent him a glare.

"That's none of your business, thief," Lucy said, walking ahead of Darryl further down the small hallway. Darryl saw a flash of panic cross Skeppy's face.

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