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A/N: This is a part two of -pain- btw, so if you haven't read it (somehow) you probably should. 

A few weeks ago I got delivery from a Chinese restaurant. Even though there were a couple of issues with the delivery, the food was warm and delicious. It didn't cause my mouth discomfort in any way, and I was perfectly content with what I got. But, this story isn't about that. This is about after I ate my food, and I opened up my fortune cookie. I got the fortune slightly moist from my saliva but I can still remember what it said.'

"In the future, a close friend will surprise you greatly"

I didn't think anything of it since I just assumed it was hinting at something normal. Something I could've guessed ahead of time. Maybe I would've learned that Darryl's favorite color was hot pink and that he puts mustard on his popcorn. But who would care about small things like that?  Not me.  It's not like that small fact could make or break our friendship.

But no, I learned that the most wonderful person I know... has bad standards. I love him and he loves me. But he can't love me, I'm not good enough for him.

I tried to write a love note, the most wonderful love note the world has ever seen! But, even if I managed to succeed I probably wouldn't end up delivering it. Because what use is the perfect note without the perfect person delivering it.

I'm not the perfect person though, I will never be the guy that he deserves!

And because of this, I had to tell him no.


Authors Note:

Sorry for any tense changes btw!

I didn't include chocolate syrup, but I did include popcorn which is another food item. I even included that food item in a kinda weird way, so technically I sort of did what I said I might do.

I hope you all have wonderful days! And remember, no matter how bad things seem there is always a light somewhere.

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