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A/N: I just read a really heartwarming story and now I feel happy (pun not intended) enough to write stuff! So now I'll just jump right into it. 


Zak's POV


I drove in my grandmother's big Toyota Fortuner, riding down the highway at a comfortable pace. My whole family is out of the house going on a vacation, and they purposefully left me behind...

Not that I care anyway! I have more important places to be, more important things to do. Like the thing that I impulsively decided to do right now.

It's something that I have been wanting to do for a really long while, and now I finally have a small tiny excuse to do it! Sure, it's rude. Sure, Dead Family member number 50X wouldn't be happy. But this is my day! My alone day! And that means I can do whatever I want.

Nothing can stop me now.


Darryl's POV


I let out a sigh of relief as I climbed into my bedsheets.

This had been a really stressful day. My roommate broke the container that had my father's ashes in it, and then afterward I had a stressful stream waiting for me. I had to use most of my paycheck to buy school supplies for my classroom, cuz I'm also a teacher, and afterwards, I learned that the crackers I was saving were all gone too!

I tried to focus on my breathing, but I just couldn't get my mind off of the day's events. I just wish that somebody could be here with me, to hold onto me and whisper supportive words into my ear.


Zak's POV


Dangit, another traffic jam...

As the clock in the car switched to nine, I let out a sigh. At this rate, I'm never going to see the one I love.

A saw cars start to move



Darryl's Roommate's POV, Let's Just Name him Trigger (I actually found this on a baby names site, I am not kidding)


I smiled as I took a glance into Darryl's room. He was hugging onto his pillow pet tightly and I could see a few tears in his eyes.

While I am glad he took it well, I am a bit worried that he didn't kick my head off for breaking his dad's... container thingy? 

It seems as if he takes in so much stress but, he barely gets any of it out. I'm starting to get very worried about him...

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