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I watch in slow motion as the Cheeto falls, screaming inside my mind. It feels as if I'm losing something bigger than anything I've ever lost before. 

It looks so yummy, so delicious, so delectable. But now I have let it down. I dropped it before I could even eat half of it!

I let out a scream as the Cheeto hits the hairy ground, almost touching a paper towel which had fallen down there previously. This really wasn't my day. As tears began dripping down my face, I could hear my roommate shuffle in.

"Are you okay?" Darryl asks me with concern written all over his face "Did something bad happen?" I giggle a tiny bit at the pun, but sadness still fills my soul.

"I dropped my Cheeto, it's all hairy now!" I cry, ashamed that I couldn't do anything to help it. My roommate pats me on the back and sits down next to me.

"You wanna go to the living room and watch some TV with me?" he knows exactly what to do in order to cheer me up. Before I know it he's microwaving us some popcorn while I find my favorite episode of our favorite show.

As he sets the popcorn down on the coffee table I leap in for a tight hug. We both smile as we watch our favorite pair of characters jump around on the screen. I always love the episodes of My Little Pony that feature Twilight and Pinkie, since they kinda remind me of the weird bond my roommate and I share! 

Even though I had to face a pretty big loss on this day, I have Darryl to thank for turning it into one of the best days I've ever had.


Author's Note:

Btw, the title of this chapter is -twinkie- because that's the ship name for Twilight x Pinkie!

Also, if ya got any suggestions for a chapter don't hesitate to comment it if you'd like to. 

Remember to stay safe out there! Byeeee

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