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Date Written: August 31st, 2019

A/N: This is a high school AU btw <3


You always stare from across the room, those evil eyes attached to me like glue.

I play soft tunes on my violin, and you play the piano.

You were hesitant at first, but now you love it so much

Now we are both in the classroom alone, playing our little instruments

I once guided you, and helped you grow,

But now your piano is helping guide my violin, as we spin and dance through each note.

I pluck each string, you press each key

We play in magical harmony,

Together, when you say your very first words to me...

"Thank you."


Author's Note (written September 7th)

Here's just a teeny weenie little thing that I didn't want to post alone, cuz, it's so short.

But I hoped you enjoyed it anyway, as well as the last few chappies <3

Have a great day/night!

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