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Everything loses its color

All the lights are dimmed

Everything feels 14x worse

When she is around

He tries to make things better

She manages to make it worse

I don't know if I can keep going

Will you help me?


Author's Note

This is just a weird poem type whatever. Don't really know what it is...

Also, I've gotten so many chapters that I've even forgotten some of them, well not forgotten, they just don't come to mind easily when I see the names. So, if I was supposed to do a sequel to something but forgot to add it to the list please tell me and I'll add it asap!

Story Schedule (attempt)

Italics means that it's been done

I'm not fully sure what order I'll do these in btw!

+ The sequel to purpose (with two different endings)

+ A sequel to twinkie (because a long time ago I stated that "the cheeto one" would probably have a sequel)

+ If I don't get any suggestions, I'll probably make a weird food one based on whatever I'm craving at that moment (or maybe one about Darryl eating turtles, who knows)

imma make the rest of this schedule thing later byee

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