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A/N: They're roommates in this, like the last one, but unlike the last one they're in a relationship! And this is also inspired by another one-shot I forgot the name of. (I'll put what book it's in and who made it and all that jazz once I remember, ok) Enjoy the storyyy, but don't read unless ur sure u can handle it...



On this lovely morning, I was sitting on the couch with my favorite person in the whole wide world. I bet you can't guess who it is!

Yes, his name is Darryl and he's the best roommate I could ever ask for. We were both checking our phones when I got a new text from a familiar text group. Since I only moved in two weeks ago, my family has been checking up on me a lot.

Family Text Group:

Mom: Can we meet ur roommate soon?

Dad: It should be sooner rather than later, so ur mom stops waking me up in the middle of the night with her fourteen million worries...

Mom: Brad!

Sister: lol

"Hey, Darryl," I poked my roommate in a shoulder, grabbing his attention "my family really wants to meet you, but they don't know we're in a relationship yet."

"I'm free tonight," Darryl replies, thinking thoughtfully with his thought thinker "do you think we should tell them about the relationship thing?" A part of me didn't want to do that at all. But, if I wait for a time where I have the courage to do it, I don't know if I'll ever do it at all. The thing that worries me the most though, is that nobody in my family (other than my cousin) knows I'm gay. And I'm not fully sure how they will react to that.

After we decide when we are going to have the meeting and check-in with the text group to see if it's good, Darryl and I are on Mission Calm Zak Down. I was basically stuffing myself with the cakes we bought recently (it was two for one dollar!) while Darryl tried to get sure I didn't choke myself or give myself a severe stomach ache.

He gave me some orange juice, partly so I would stay hydrated and not choke, but mostly so I would have the energy necessary to talk to my family. This isn't like going to a fan meetup or something like that, my family members are really extreme people!

As I ate my food, Darryl did what my therapist always told him to. When I get into these episodes, where I'm just eating everything in sight, I always manage to calm down when there are art supplies around. Then, I get so distracted with drawing my favorite things and people that I can't focus on all the bad stuff!

After a couple of hours of drawing and doing small pieces of work, Darryl and I are on our way to my mom's house.

About a year ago they had to move to separate houses because, you know, they were just that extreme. My sister lives with my mom and she's eighteen. She's really smart and talented, but she has a few health problems that make her afraid of moving out. She's also a pretty extreme person, as you should know by now because my whole family is really extreme. Even the family fish, we had to put them all in bowls by themselves because they kept eating each other. And they're the same type of fish!

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