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Darryl walked into his home and saw something surprising. There were bagels all over the floor and the flat screen TV, which usually stood in front of the couch, was now in pieces. In front of the broken TV is where Zak sat, huffing in anger as he held a ginormous bag of bagels in his tiny hands.

"Zak," the tall dude yelled, "why are their bagels everywhere, and why is the TV broken?!" Before he could speak another word, he was enveloped in a tight hug by his boyfriend. 

"Barnes and Noble shut down!" the short boy screamed, tears rolling down his face. Neither of them really loved Barnes and Noble, but they still treasured it because it was the place they first met in real life.

"Why," Darryl broke down crying "why did this have to happen?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" Zak cried, wiping away his tears with the sleeves of his hoodie.

The rest of the night was filled with tears and snuggling, as they both asked themselves the same question.

"Why would they get rid of Barnes and Noble?"


Author's Note

Heres a little crackfic, just for funsies!

I've been in a pretty bad place recently, so if chapters stop coming for a little while that's probably why. If I do write stuff it's probably just gonna be something short and silly, like the story above.

Stay safe everyone! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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