-dreamy- (has a to-do list on it)

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A/N: This is a dream sharing AU btw!


One of the best times of the night is the time where I go to sleep. When I stay up late it gives me time to get more excited for the time to come, or at least that's how I see it.

You see, one of my bestest friends in real life is this guy named Darryl. When I go to sleep he's there. And in my dreams, we do all kinds of things we wouldn't be caught dead doing in real life.

We go on romantic dates.

We give each other flowers.

We share kisses.

I know it might be unhealthy to live out a life like this in your dreams. Heck, I can tell it probably is going to be bad for me in the long run!

But, if that's the only place where I have the courage to tell Darryl I love him, then yeah, I'm gonna go there from time to time.

I'm just sad I can't be somewhere like that all the time...


Darryl's POV


While I'm sleeping I meet someone in my dreams. We always have fun, and we treat every night as if it's our last. In one of my dreams, we met a giant butterfly with gigantic beautiful wings.

"You know, you kinda remind me of that butterfly, ya know?" As we flew on the butterfly, Dream Zak nudged me in the shoulder.


"Because it's beautiful, like you," he replied, making my face light up slightly.

"You're the beautiful one, fatty!"  We both giggled, hugging each other while at the same time getting sure to keep our hold on the butterfly's back.

And then I woke up.

I ate my breakfast, thinking about my dream the whole time. Then, I logged onto my server just like I did every morning.



Zak's POV


"What did you do to my server?!" As I sat at my desk eating some waffles and checking my notifications, I got a call from my real-life friend, Darryl.

"I didn't do anything to your server," I told him, chewing up a large bite of waffle "I'm just now eating my breakfast!" 

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