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My dreams.

They are where I feel truly at peace.

All of the irritation from the day is gone.

And I have time to breathe.

Even though, when you think about it, the breaths I'm feeling might not even be the ones my physical body is breathing.

If you haven't guessed, I'm a lucid dreamer. When I can, I often make my dreams filled with clouds, with Zak by my side as we lay around on the fluffy surfaces.

It's so weird, how Zak is one of my main causes of irritation, yet I always end up bringing him into my dreams. 

Everything feels so calm. We hug and talk about how soft the clouds are underneath us. Calm tunes are playing in the background. We give each other kisses.

I lose myself in the dream.

But then I wake up. Day after day. I see the real version of the guy I love. 

The version who doesn't like me as much as I like him.

It's still a joy being around him, I wasn't saying that it wasn't.

But, as time goes on I get scared I'll do something wrong. That I'll forget I'm not dreaming for some reason and say something weird.

And at the end, it turns out my dreams are making me more stressed than my reality.


Author's Note

This chapter reminded me of the song above!

Also, I broke my earbuds and I'm terrified to look at my Youtube notifications! What if Skeppy and Bbh end up kissing on stream and I'm not there to see it?! Anything could happen in these few days/weeks that I go without proper earbuds!

Nah, I'm probably just overreacting... or am I?

Byeeeee people, imma go to sleep now or soonish! Have fabulous days/nights

PS: Oh my gosh I just published it without a title why

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