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A/N: This is the sequel for -cutie- <3 


The pic I used 2 make the pixel art in the picture: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/522699100480796293/?lp=true

I had to type that url in manually cuz I can't copy and paste for some reason, so pls let me know if it's messed up!

Also, since tons of pony transformation fics have been made before, this is set three years in the future. Enjoy!


Twilight Sparkle's POV (Darryl)


It's been three years and everything is the same as before, with some obvious differences. Such as the fact that we're both slowly gaining back memories from our past lives.

Yeah, the past life thing surprised me too!

"Twilight!" Pinkie moaned as she laid on our couch "Can you pass me the remote?" I was in the kitchen baking some muffins.

"Nope," I shook my head as I opened up the bag of flour with my magic "and if you could press the buttons on the remote yesterday, you can obviously do it today." I wasn't falling for her tricks this time!

"It's probably best I don't watch TV anyway," she told me, leaping up from her spot on the couch "I'm gonna have to record in a bit anyway." I watched as she hopped back over to her bedroom.

"Wish you luck!" 


Pinkie Pie's POV


For some reason, everybody else had to get new computers, while I didn't need to. Usually, my hooves would just transform into tiny fingers when I needed them, but I guess that doesn't happen to other ponies!

I was on my computer when I realized that Twilight was streaming. I needed to record anyway, so this would be the perfect opportunity!


Twilight's POV

Time Skippp


"Skeppy stop griefing my server!" I screamed, tempted to throw my computer out the window with my magic, or teleport it in an ocean somewhere, either one is fine for me.

"But it looks better," she giggled, her cute high voice echoing through my headset "doesn't it?" I looked at the stream chat to find a bunch of messages saying yes.

"Ugh," I groaned as I leaned my elbow on my desk "why do I deal with you, Skeppy?" I was out of breath from my many bursts of anger.

"Because you love me?"

"Yeah, that's probably it." I smiled a tired smile. Even though she makes me angry a lot, Pinkie truly does make me smile. My life is much better with her in it! The little cutie...

All of a sudden I saw a bright light. There were a few minutes of silence on the TeamSpeak call.

"Twilight, did your cutie mark just change?" As I heard Pinkie say that my head snapped down to my mark. Something new was added to it. All of the tiny stars were replaced by diamond blocks and my whole cutie mark looked like it was made out of pixels.


Pinkie Pie's POV


I gasped when I saw how my mark had changed. All three balloons looked pixelated and the colors of them were changed to the colors black and red. I listened closely as we both described our new cutie marks to each other.

"Does this mean we're meant to be together," Twilight mumbled, looking for an answer "because my mark has diamonds in it, like your skin, and your balloons have been changed to the colors of mine."

"Yeah, maybe it's just the universe telling us we should move in together!"

"But we're already moved in together." I didn't have time to mute my mic as I started laughing.


Twilight's POV


When I took a look at my stream chat that's when I noticed it was being flooded with shipping things.

"Dammit Pinkie..."


Author's Note

I'm so happy with this! I left in the middle of writing it to make the pixel art and I'm so glad I did.

Remember people, when in doubt wait until after you eat food! 

Also, the cutie mark thing is based on the CMC's marks. Because Bbh and Skeppy are the perfect pair, now their marks reflect that <3

Also, there are bugs flying all over me why! There's this one bug and it keeps landing on my fingers while I type, and crawling all over my keyboard!

So, the important message!

I was just thinking and I might end up ending this one-shot book once Summer ends. Cuz, like school and stress and all that bad stuff.

Ugh, just thinking about the start of school makes me feel queasy...

Imma go worry now :(

I spent like, thirty minutes writing and rewriting this message...


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