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There's someone in my life who I care about more than anyone. Ever since he entered my life I feel as if there is some sort of glow around me that has never been there before! But there is just one problem with this...

He hates me

I don't have any evidence to support this claim, but I know it must be true. All of his concern for me, all of his little heart emojis. All of those are only lies to cover up the real him, and what he really thinks of me.

I'm a pretty terrible person. It's not that I think that, but I know why other people would. I don't really do a lot for society and lots of people would be happier if were dea-

Wait, I'm a bit off topic here. Sorry.

The point of all this is just the fact that he hates me. I have tried to act normal for a while now, smiling and pretending I don't know the truth. But I can't anymore. I just can't take being around somebody who hates my guts.

I'm cutting him out of my life. It will hurt more than anything, but I have to. After all, why keep somebody you love in your life if they feel the exact opposite about you, am I right? 

I hold back cries of pain and sorrow, only releasing a small tiny cough.

But, I know that if I left him without saying why horrible things would happen. First off, if he tells his fans they would most likely start spamming me and questioning why I did it. Second, I searched his channel and I didn't find a single video hating on me. I even checked a few user created playlists just in case it was unlisted. But I found nothing. This just shows that if I don't confront him, there's a chance somebody else might drag me back to him. Without evidence, I won't have many people on my side of the argument. And third, the guilt would probably be eating away at me for months, no, years!

That's why I have to tell him that I know!

I take deep breaths as I wait for him to answer my call.

"Why are you calling me?" Bad asks me, thinking that I might be doing some sort of prank call. I wipe a tear from my eye before I answer.

"I have to tell you something really important!" I tell him, trying to make it very clear that what I'm saying is indeed not a joke. After a few seconds, he answers.

"What is it?" I get a bit angry, and I begin to let it show.

"I know what you're doing!" I yell, taking a few deep breaths to keep myself from breaking down. I accidentally put in a little too much emotion, but I hope he still understands what I mean (and takes it seriously) regardless.

"What am I doing?" he sounds a bit surprised, but mostly he sounds concerned "Wait, are you okay?" I sniff, tears dripping down my face as I sense his fake concern.

"Shut up!" I cry, sadness and anger filling up my voice "You don't have to keep up the act, I know you hate me!" 

"No I don't," he reassures me "where did you even get that idea?" I let out a loud whine in response.

"Why," I ask, some of the anger leaving my voice "why can't you just tell me the truth?" I shiver for a reason I cannot identify as I wait for his answer.

"I don't hate you but I guess there is something I've been hiding from you," nervousness fills his voice "I, um, uh-"

"Hurry it up," I whisper-growl just loud enough for him to hear "come on and break my heart."

"I really like you, Zak," he confesses, using my real name to try and make it more believable. I try to tell myself he's lying, but I can't find a reason he would say this otherwise. It could be for a troll, but if it was for something like that I doubt he would have said my real name. 

I hang up almost immediately as all feelings of anger leave my body. I lean back in my chair, staring at the wall above my computer in shock.

What just happened.

What even just happened.

Am I going crazy!? 

Is this a dream?

Before I know it, I'm passed out in my chair from shock. Not waking up no matter how many times my computer dings at me.

How did that even happen?


Authors Note:

This is mostly based on my own experiences. I have had so many times where I thought somebody hated me either because they were easily angered or because I had heard a few things from an untrustworthy source. 

Just, people, don't assume people hate you.


It made me do lots of things I regret, just don't do it, please.

Imma go watch some happy stuff now, remember that tip.

Sorry if this whole thing was cringe, bye

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