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Date Written: September 3rd, 2019 (i didn't have school bc I was sick)

A/N: This is the long-awaited threequel to -muffinaddicts- <3

I literally forgot about this little series of stories for so long, so thank you commenters for reminding me <3 <3 <3

And if ur starting on this one for whatever reason, go read muffinaddicts and sickmuffins before this one! That way everything will make more sense <3


Amanda's POV (Zak's sister)

A few days later...


My brother hasn't been doing well lately. And I've been trying to deny it but...

I really think he might have SAD, aka, Soulmate Avoidance Disorder. But I can't be sure.

And plus, I'm only fourteen years old, I don't really have the right to dig deep into my brother's personal life. I know about his Youtube channel and I've done research about his friends, but that's just cuz I'm a huge worrywart and I wanna get sure he's ok-


I could go behind his back and ask one of his friends for help! 

It seems like a pretty rude thing to do, but this disorder kills people, so I don't think mom would be that angry with me! And if helping him really turns out to be impossible, I would like to know that before he drops dead.

If he drops dead...

I really have to be quick about this guys!


Darryl's POV


As the days go by ive been getting sicker and sicker. My roommate moved out recently and I'm started to fear that I won't be able to support myself.

I don't know where this sickness came from, but it's really bad. I can hardly move from my bed anymore, and when I do every breath of air is agony. Every movement...

I hear a ding from my phone and I see that Zak has texted me and A6d in a group chat we had set up months prior.

[Zak <3] Hey

- Hey

- Hey

- Hey 

- Hey

[A6d muffin] What do you want!

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