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Quick A/N: This is the sequel to -writerskeppy- by the way! Read that or else you probably won't understand what's going on. 


"Whos account is this?" I asked, my hand slowly rising from my roommate's keyboard. I looked over at the corner of the screen and saw this account's username sitting there. Why was Zak logged into this person's account? Who is this person? 

"I can explain!" Zak shouted, turning off his computer once more. A full minute of silence passed.

"Where is your explanation," I demanded, "how do I know this account isn't yours?" I almost didn't believe what I was saying, but when I really thought about it, it started to make sense. 

"You... don't know," the shorter boy mumbled, scratching behind his ear "I guess I can't explain, now can I?" He let out a nervous laugh. How come I didn't know it was him?

"I'm one of your followers," I confessed, rubbing one of my arms nervously "but I only read your stuff because I like your style." I couldn't help but avoid his gaze when he replied.

"How could you admire my style?" Zak screeched in an angry manner "It's literally just toddler scribbles, do you have any taste at all?!" He talked as if the previous minutes hadn't happened, and any trace of anxiety was completely obliterated.

"My taste is good," I yelled back "and your stuff is really amazing!" 

"Likely story, you probably just read my stuff out of pity!"

"I wasn't even fully sure that it was you!"

"Likely story!" 

"I thought it was you for a while you know," I crossed my arms as I spoke, "but I just assumed it was because I liked you so much!" A moment of silence passed between us as we both registered what had been said.

"Haha, you care about me!" Zak giggled as my fear from the last few moments washed away.

"I guess I do." I smiled, glad that he didn't take it the way I thought he would. He'll know that I love him one day, but just not on this day.


Author's Note:

If you thought there was going to be a confession of love, then haha I just faked ya out!

Hope you enjoyed the story <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Also, I have been looking at some of the tags my story is on and my number on lots of them is surprisingly high. Like, it's not number one or anything but it's still way more than I deserve. So, I guess for getting me there every person reading this deserves a couple of cookies for struggling through these: 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 


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