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Darryl woke up that morning to some very peculiar things on his head. 

His head felt wet and slimy and had all sorts of weird goop on there. His boyfriend, Zak was using a plastic spoon to mix the ingredients together as they stuck to the young boy's blonde hair.

"W-what are you doing?" he hadn't even remembered going to bed in a sitting position, but now here he was sitting against the wall as Zak poured who knows what into his hair!

"Oh, sorry," Zak giggled, some eggshells sticking to his tiny fingers. That's when Darryl noticed that the two things that were placed in his hair were a stick of butter and an egg. "you're just so sweet, I thought you were a cookie mix."

"What?!" Darryl exclaimed, blushing furiously as he tried to get sure the ingredients didn't land on their bedsheets. "I'm not a cookie mix!"

"Well, I know that now!" Zak whispered in his ear as he laid his hand in Darryl's hair. "It's just such a shame, now we have to shower together to get all of the stuff out of your hair." 

A minute or two of silence passed through the room.

"Was this all just a big plot so that we would shower together?" Zak pulled on his hoodie strings as he avoided his boyfriend's attempts at making eye contact.

"Yeah..." the short boy mumbled as he anxiously scratched the back of his neck "Are we still going to?"

"Of course we are."


Author's Note


Why do people keep voting on my things? It hurts my brain.

Like, literally. Over the past few days, I have gotten some of the worst headaches!


And PS: If you need glasses you should get glasses. I get how not everybody has money for glasses, but the longer you wait the worse it's gonna get, okay? And plus, some places have some really good deals! 

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